I work in stoneware; it is strong, durable and ideal for everyday use. My work is thrown then decorated with coloured slips and underglazes. I aim to retain the fluidity of the clay in my finished pieces using brush strokes to accentuate this.
The Buncheong tradition of Korean pottery helps to inform my ceramics; in addition, I draw inspiration from textile patterns and the natural world.
- Mary Wright 1 : Pedestal dish, thrown and altered stoneware pottery, height 12 cm, diameter 14 cm
Mary Wright 2 :
Moon Jar, thrown stoneware pottery, height 28 cm, diameter 24 cm
Mary Wright 3 :
Set of three small plates, thrown stoneware pottery, diameter 16 cm each
Mary Wright 4 :
Flared vase, thrown stoneware pottery, height 23 cm, diameter (top) 13 cm
Mary Wright 5 :
Lidded pot, thrown and altered stoneware pottery, height 13 cm, diameter 12 cm
Mary Wright 6 :
Vase, thrown stoneware pottery, height 20 cm, diameter 8 cm